Train With Us!
9/13, Friday
9am - 12pm
Train With Us!
EEO Training is available at the Allied Human Resources Office, with Grace Donaldson SHRM-SCP.
One day training
Friday, 9/13: 9am-12pm
Only 8 spots available
Register Now!
The cost per session is $159
Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) is the concept that employment decisions are required to be based upon valid job-related requirements without regard to protected statuses, such as race, color, sex, national origin, religion, age, disability, genetic information, or reprisal for protected EEO activity.
In this course, you will learn updates and current trends to dealing and responding to situations that you might find yourself in as an HR professional.
Who should attend: Managers, Supervisors, and HR interested personnel.
REGISTER BELOW! Call (671) 647-3333 for more information.